To brain it is not yoga asanas (postures) but rather various life situations. Being able to remain calm while performing various levels of postures using techniques of breath to keep mind withdrawn from external world, it is your body performing using power of your mind to present itself to its own consciousness ... 

 Yogis practice yogasanas regularly (imitating in postures various creatures or thing such as boat, dog, crow, eagle etc using his flexibility and strength part of mind in order to unite himself with his inner consciousness. Over time so that he can sit longer in meditation without bodily aches or external environment. )

One legged squat 
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Tadasana II
Samasthitihi (equal weight on both feet, thumb line stretched towards feet, chest open, neck and spine right angle to the floor)
Look as if soaring high but on ground Pose , free bird 
Urdhwasana / Hasta Padasana 
Niralamba (without support) Paschimottanasana (please rotate 90 degree backward to see what it looks like)
                  outward stretch feet with anjali mudra 
VeeraBhadrasana variation (Warrior) 
Veera Bhadra , is the warrior of Lord Shiva. 
Ardha Chandrasana (Half moon Pose)
Parswa Bhanga variation
Akarna Dhanurasana (Body held in position as an archer) 



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